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Primal Sports Supplements
MMA, Crossfit, mens and womens clothing

Technology that maximizes absorption of nutrients through a unique patent pending processing system. You can be sure that you will receive all the nutritional benefits using CardioForLife®. CardioForLife® is a powerful blend of ingredients that are highly absorbable

Exercise After 40

before and after

Feeling weak and drained of energy I started my cycle at 226lbs. with the goal of losing weight and gaining muscle.  From the very start of taking the supplements I felt the positive effects having more energy, strength and focus.  The first week my appetite was drastically affected and I was able to eat a lot less (while making sure to increase protein intake to avoid muscle loss) than normal with my appetite pretty much returning to normal after that first week.  The biggest weight loss was experienced in that first week however, dropping down to 221lbs.   The first week I was not tracking numbers so I am not sure of the muscle and fat percentages of the weight loss.

 After only 2 weeks of usage I was having great workouts, lifting heavier weight and noticing significant muscle gains and a flatter stomach.  Each week I see improvements all around, But the proof is in the numbers!!

Although there is not a lot of body weight loss overall there is a 7 pound increase in muscle and a 5% decrease in body fat which is way better than just what a scale says!!   These results are significant, excellent and consistant!!   I would suspect that anyone younger taking the same stack would have more  significant results simply because of age, and if I would  want to try a stricter diet, Im sure I could have had a more  significant fat loss. 

Now there is a lot of on line arguments of whether or not prohormones and sarms are steroids or not.  Technically they are not and at  this point they are legal, as I bought mine over the counter at a local well known supplement supplier.    I can say this…   I do see these products eventually being made illegal by our government because they work!!  Anything that actually works does not remain on the “legal” market for long.  Our system operates on the principal of higher profits in treating symptoms and they see no point in actually fixing anything.

Quite frankly I find this very frustrating!  I all ready have very little faith in the American medical and pharmaceutical system.  Furthermore, how am I to believe any so called medical professional telling me that something that makes me feel better, feel stronger, feel full of energy and lose body fat is something that is bad for me?  If these are the side effects….   Sign me up!!!   Would much rather feel good than take their overpriced prescribed garbage that only made me feel like shit when I did take them. 

Like they say…  Its all downhill after 40….  Literally!!

To give a little history, I have a regular gym schedule and always have since I was a sophomore in high school.  Now 40 years old, a little over weight and frustrated that my regular workouts are not doing any good!!   Stuck on a plateau since turning 40, having tried numerous different supplements, vitamins and diets,  I needed something to give my worn out middle aged body a boost , jump start my metabolism and make me start feeling strong again. 

SO, Here is what I have been doing….


Running a stack of Methyl DMZ, RAD 140, GW-3L and SR9009. Strength training at the gym 5 days a week with 10 minutes of cardio on an elliptical at least 3 days a week.  Breakfast is a large spoonful of chunky peanut butter.  Lunch would vary but was typically something like a lunch meat sandwich or leftovers from dinner the night before.  Dinner was whatever we had which could range from Spaghetti, tacos, chicken, roast or hamburger.  We would try to keep eating out down to one night a week… try anyways.  

Most diets don’t work because they require a significant change in eating habits that result in more muscle loss than fat loss and when the diet stops the eating habits return and a person typically gains back more fat weight than they lose to begin with.  If you make slight alterations to eating habits that are more sustainable while building muscle results will be more permanent.   The more muscle mass a person has (male or female) the more calories that are burnt while at rest or while exercising.

To break down the supplements…   RAD 140, GW-3L and SR9009 are “sarms” Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.

The GW-3L is for endurance and fat loss, the SR 9009 works to increase the concentration of growth hormones in the body, increasing the body's metabolism and making you burn off the excess fat and build muscle while feeling energized. 

RAD 140  is designed to make the hormonal receptors in the tissues of the body act the same way as if they’re getting a good dose of testosterone, setting off the same effects as if you’re cycling with an anabolic steroid, minus unwanted side effects.

Methyl DMZ is a pro hormone and in its most basic definition is used for building lean muscle.

Methyl DMZ is mentholated and does come with a level of liver toxicity and it is recommended to take a liver cleanse while on a cycle and post cycle and it is recommended not to exceed a 6 week cycle.  Do not let this scare you.  The majority of prescribed drugs that your doctor gives you are also toxic and typically all have negative side effects.  Statin drugs used for treating cholesterol are among the worst, being toxic to your body, causing immune deficiency and promoting cancer growth.  Yet I have never heard a doctor recommend taking any form of liver cleanse with blood pressure and cholesterol meds….

Here is a list of some of the most toxic doctor prescribed drugs: Prednisone, Methotrexate ­ and other chemotherapeutic agents, Cholesterol Lowering Drugs “Statins”, Bile acid sequestering agents or resins ­ Colestid and Questran “acid reducers”, Atromid and Lopid “used for lowering triglycerides”, Prozac , Zoloft, Paxil, Lovan, Luvoxand  many drugs prescribed for depression,  Ritalin, Cylert, Dexadrine, Adderal (Amphetamine and amphetamine-like drugs used for ADD/ADHD), Diabetes Drugs, Arthritis drugs, Cold and Flu Medications, Beta Blockers and Calcium channel Blockers “blood pressure drugs”,

It is recommended when taking any of the drugs listed above to take a good multi vitamin making sure that it contains many of the essential amino acids and vitamins as many of these drugs will deplete the body of nutrients.  I highly recommend CardioForLife™ 

Two weeks post cycle..

Once again I had a very busy week only making it to the gym once and cheating  with Halloween candy.  I had a good work out, experiencing a little less focus and endurance as my work out was shorter.  Strength was down just a bit, but, having only hit the gym 4 times in a 2 week period that is expected and I am confident once I get back into my routine the strength will return.  At weigh in I was at 222Lbs.  Surprisingly I still had a small gain in muscle mass up to 103 and a slight increase in body fat of .4 giving me a 21.3 for body fat percentage.  These numbers are still very impressive considering the slack in working out and diet.  


I am still very very impressed with the supplements that I got from 5 Star Nutrition and the knowledge and helpfulness of their employees.  I told them what my goal was and what i expected and they directed me to the right products, supplements, to make it happen.  I highly recommend 5 Star Nutrition and the supplements that they provide.   The products work! and the people there have the knowledge! 

For the last two weeks of my cycle on these supplements I have only been able to make it to the gym 3 times.  We have gone out to eat quite a bit and I have been going out for lunch to.  I firmly believe that when you can maintain a gym schedule you tend to maintain much healthier eating habits too.  To top it off, over the weekend I bought Halloween candy when I went grocery shopping....  and well needless to say I need to buy more because I have been relentlessly snacking on it and Halloween is still another week away.  Now , feeling like I surly put back on some more fat and lost some muscle, and terrified to go do a weigh in.  I nervously forced myself to do it.  BUT! To my surprise, my week 6 weigh in still showed positive progress.  I gained overall weight and was back up to 221 Lb.s,  but I still had nearly a pound of muscle gain and a percent of fat loss.  Considering how far I strayed from my diet and the fact that I was unable to get to the gym and exercise is proof to me that these supplements work!  They gave me energy, strength and obviously gave my body and metabolism  the jump start that I so desperately needed.

                  Weight                        Skeletal Muscle Mass                  Percent Body Fat

Week1      221lbs.                                     95.2                                             25.7       

Week2      218lbs.                                     97.4                                             23.5

Week3      215lbs.                                     98.1                                             22.0

Week4      217lbs.                                   100.1                                             21.4

Week5      219Lbs.                                  101.2                                             21.1

Week6      221Lbs.                                  102.7                                             20.9                                     After 2 weeks post cycle weigh in

Week8      222Lbs.                                  103.0                                             21.3

Dave Garant

One week after completing the supplement cycle I am still feeling very strong and making positive gains in strength and muscle mass.  I had feared that once I quit taking the supplements that I would experience a "crash" losing energy and strength but, to my surprise I am still feeling like a beast and killing it at the gym.  I am a true believer now in the sarms and pro hormones.  These supplements work and are worth the investment.     

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